Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Under the Weather

Maribelle's been a bit under the weather lately with another cold (she just had one two weeks ago!), and we took her to the doctor yesterday to find out that she has an ear infection. I'm totally blaming it on daycare. Ugh ... all of the kids have runny, snotty noses all the time. I know it's just a typical part of daycare and that there's not much that can be done to prevent the spreading of the germs (those kids sneeze and cough everywhere!) but it still drives me nuts and makes me a bit bitter that I can't stay home with her every day (and even more paranoid about the Flu that is Swine). Poor baby. Today was one of those days where she stayed in her PJs all day. She's been a trooper but has been clingy and mopey and does NOT want anything to do with baby food. All she wants is cheese, silly girl. Once she got a dose of antibiotic though, she chippered right up. And here's the proof:

1 comment:

saradgoldberg said...

She may be sick a lot this year, but she'll be much less sick later. Trust me. It's amazing how often I took Charlotte to daycare last winter and figured she'd be coming home soon with whatever "that kid" had and she didn't. Of course now I have Amelia, and we're starting all over again...