Friday, September 26, 2008

View from the Top

This weekend marks the halfway point as I reach the 20-week mark. 20 WEEKS! I can't believe there are only 20 more weeks to go before we meet the illustrious Baby M! Only 20 more weeks until Baby M grows from it's current 6 1/2-inch cantaloupe size to it's potential watermelon-sized self. And only 20 more weeks left for us to prepare the house for baby, work out some sort of daycare situation and convince ourselves that yes, we are indeed going to be parents.

And the reality of it all should sink in next week, when we go in for our 20-week ultrasound and get a glimpse of the action. From my vantage point, though, it looks as if Baby M is definitely growing, with the help of our recent trip home to Ohio. After indulging in the Italian food and cookie selections available at a typical northeast Ohio wedding, and taking a trip to White House Apple Farms for some doughnuts and cider, Baby M and I got our sugar fill for the week. The way I see it, though, is that it's never too early to give Baby M a little (or big!) taste of home.

1 comment:

saradgoldberg said...

Now I REALLY want a donut!!
...and another baby. :)